Ventures makes investments by acquiring a stake in
a firm/s share capital. The stake can only be acquired
through a share capital increase, not by buying shares
from existing shareholders. Another investment option
is through a convertible bond.
Attica Ventures does not invest in companies whose
securities are publicly traded. We also cannot invest
in the shipbuilding/ship repair industry, coal and
steel industry as well as in composite fibres, the
car & car parts industry, in real estate or in
the gambling industry.
We expect most equity stakes to be minority holdings
between 10% and 49%, while in the case of a majority
stake the Fund will seek to transfer it back to existing
management as soon as possible after certain targets
have been achieved. Fund participation will be based
on a five-year or (at a minimum) three-year business
plan, on a case-by-case basis, which will be updated
annually following our investment.
An investment will typically last between 3 and 5
We would expect to exit an investment either through
a stock exchange listing (IPO) or by means of a trade
sale to another company in the sector or a strategic
investor, or through a sale to another VC/PE fund.
A final option is a buy-back of shares by the existing
management (MBO) or other shareholders.
here to view a diagram of the full investment cycle,
from submission of a business plans by a firm, through
its evaluation by the Attica Ventures management team,
interaction between Attica Ventures and the potential
target, valuation procedures and timetables, the investment
decision, and finally monitoring of the investment
right up to exit.